Special Education
Becker Public Schools provide inclusive and comprehensive programs for students with disabilities from birth through 21 years of age. All schools in the district provide programming for students who qualify for special education support.
Special education services are offered throughout the Becker school district as part of Sherburne and Northern Wright Special Education Cooperative (SNWSEC). Together with this cooperative, Becker Public Schools are dedicated to ensuring that comprehensive child-find activities occur in order to properly identify students who may qualify for special education services. Becker public schools are committed to ensuring that qualifying students receive a free and appropriate public education in their least restrictive environment.
Once a child has been referred for special education services and has qualified under one of the categorical disability areas, they are eligible to receive services based on their Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Services are provided for these disability categories:
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Deaf-Blind, Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Emotional Behavior Disorder
Developmental Cognitive Disability
Developmental Delay
Other Health Disability
Physically Impaired
Severely Multiply Impaired
Specific Learning Disability
Speech or Language Impairments
Traumatic Brain Injury
Visually Impaired
What is Special Education?
Special education is instruction, specific to the child, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. It is important to note: Students with disabilities are general education students first. They receive special education support services in conjunction with the general education curriculum. Special education is an instructional service, not a place.
Special education services must be reasonably calculated to allow the student to benefit from instruction. If the student is receiving benefit from the special education services, the student will progress at his/her own individual rate.
Qualifying for Special Education
IDEA Part B Service Eligibility
To be eligible for special education IDEA Part B services, students ages 3-21 must be:
• Found to have a disability.
• In need of specialized instruction and related services.
IDEA Part C Service Eligibility
To be eligible for special education IDEA Part C infant and toddler intervention services, infants and toddlers aged birth-2 must meet at least one of the three components:
• They meet the criteria for any one of Minnesota’s recognized special education disability categories.
• They have a demonstrated developmental delay.
• They are diagnosed with a physical or mental condition that has a high probability of resulting in developmental delay.
• The combination of these laws and rules require the provision of FAPE for all eligible children and youth with disabilities.
For new families moving into the district, please be sure to inform the school of your child’s special education status so the school team can assist with providing adequate services.
Useful Links
Parental Rights for Public School Special Education Students
Sherburne and Northern Wright Special Education Cooperative
For information on services available, please contact:
Stephanie Loesch, K-12 Special Education Coordinator
Janelle Ortiz, Early Child Special Education Coordinator