Camp Opportunity

Pre-K Care Program

Please call beginning of October 2024 to get your Pre-K child(ren) on our program wait list for the 2025-2026 school year. Spots are LIMITED!


Children that wish to participate in the Pre-K program and take advantage of the bus transportation can now do so and join us for the rest of the day at Camp Opportunity!

Pre-K students may also come to Camp on their non-school days, no bussing available.

Have questions about Camp Opportunity or interested in getting your child enrolled?

Please contact Paige Kaehler at 763-261-6604 or click CampOpp to email.

Camp Opportunity is FULL for the 2024-2025 school year.

No longer adding to the wait list at this time.

Please contact Paige Kaehler at: 

763-261-6604 to ask questions.

                 Before and After School Care Program

Camp Opportunity is a place for children to receive before and after school care and care on non-school days and is located inside the Becker Early Education Center. 

Camp Opportunity

13500 3rd Street

Becker, MN 55308

Paige Kaehler


Phone: 763-261-6600

Office Hours

